Friday, February 24, 2012

In fvu and pasmc, the level of transcription

Due to the expression of EGR-1 in the range of cells in emphysema, experiments were conducted to determine the potential of some of these cells for the production of this transcription factor under basal conditions and in response to stimulation in cell culture. Fibroblasts Human lung (FVU), human bronchial smooth muscle cells (BSMC), and human pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMC) shows low levels of EGR-1 transcripts in calm conditions in cell culture. After exposure of these cultures in general stimulus, PMA (50 ng / ml) was impressive, time-dependent increase in EGR-1 transcripts in each of these cell types (Fig. 6A). EGR-1 mRNA strongly up regulated in FVU, PASMC, and BSMC after 60 minutes incubation with forbol ether. In FVU and PASMC, the level of transcription was reduced to 120 minutes, whereas EGR-1 transcripts were kept in a BSMC. Cultured cells were stimulated cytokines are likely to be present in the inflammatory environment emphysema at different stages of the disease, including IL-1, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) -, interferon (IFN) - and transforming growth factor (TGF) -1. Adding IL-1, TNF-and TGF1, individually and together (a combination of IL-1 TNF, IL-1 TGF1 and TNF TGF1) for the BSMC (Fig. 6)

resulting in robust induction of EGR-1 transcript, which was clearly supported by 2-hour point, especially in comparison with the results on PASMC and FVU (see Figure 6, D and E

). Artificial PASMC (Fig. 6D)

and FVU (Fig. 6E) subjected to the same combination of cytokines appears known to regulate EGR-1 transcripts, although the level is clearly reduced by 2-hour point. Experiments with IFN-demonstrated that this cytokine induced and EGR-1 transcripts, with a maximum level of EGR-1 mRNA by 60 minutes for each of the three cell types (Fig. 6b). Despite the level of stationary EGR-1 mRNA clearly decreased in 2:00, the most persistent increase was seen again in BSMC. These data indicate the response of cultured cells derived from light for EGR-1 expression after exposure to cytokines. In the case of BSMC to regulate EGR-1 probably a bit more lasix without prescritpion time, of course, in this report the level is still high after 120 minutes. .

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