Friday, February 24, 2012

The immune system is the first survey (see link below).

The immune system is one of the most exciting inventions of nature. Easily, it protects us from the billions of bacteria, viruses and other parasites. Most of us never think about the fact that while we hang out with friends, watch TV or go to school, within our body, our immune system is constantly alert, attacking at the first sign of invasion of harmful organisms. The immune system is very complicated. It consists of several types of cells and proteins that have different jobs to do in the fight against foreign invaders. In this section we look at parts of the immune system in some lasix drug heart detail. If you read about the immune system for the first time, we recommend you look at >> << Overview of the immune system first (see link below). The first part of the immune system that meets invaders such as bacteria group of proteins called complement system. These proteins flow freely in the blood and can quickly get to the invasion, where they can directly react with

antigens - molecules that the body recognizes as foreign substances. Upon activation of the complement protein can

This group of immune cells that specialize in finding and are bacteria, viruses, and dead or damaged cells. There are three main types of granulocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells. White blood cells called lymphocytes occurs in the bone marrow, but migrate to the regions of the lymphatic system, such as lymph nodes, spleen and thymus. There are two main types of lymphatic cells

T cells and B cells. The lymphatic system also includes a transportation system - lymph vessels - for transportation and storage of lymphocytes in the body. The lymphatic system feeds cells into the body and filters out dead cells and invading organisms such as bacteria. On the surface of every cell lymphatic receptors that allow them to recognize foreign substances. These receptors are very specialized - each of which may correspond to only one specific antigen. To understand receptors, think of the hand, which can only take one specific item. Imagine that your hands can only pick apples. You would be a true champion of the apple collection - but you can not find anything else. In your body, every single receptor one hand in search of his apples. Lymphocytes pass through your body until you find the desired antigen size and shape according to their specific receptors. It would seem that the limits that each receptor cell lymphocytes can respond to only one specific type of antigen, but the body does to this, spending so many different cell lymphocytes, the immune system recognizes almost all invaders. T cells in two different types of helper and killer. They are called T cells after thymus gland, an organ under the breastbone. T-cells are formed in the bone marrow and then move to the thymus where they mature. search relevant antigen receptors. If it finds such an antigen it connects to it, and B cells inside the alarm went. B-cells is now necessary proteins that produce T-helper cells to become fully activated. When this happens, the cell begins to divide, to make clones of themselves. During this process, two new types of cells are created, plasma cells and memory B cells. specializes in producing certain proteins, called antibodies


, which will follow the same antigen, which corresponds to B-cell receptor. Antibodies distinguished from plasma cells, so they can look for intruders and help destroy them. Plasma cells produce antibodies in an amazing speed and can release tens of thousands of antibodies per second. When the U-shaped antibody locates the appropriate antigen, he gives it.emphysema statistics Added antibodies are delicious coating for eater cells such as macrophages. Antibodies also neutralize toxins and neutralize viruses, preventing them from infecting new cells. Each branch of the Y-form antibodies can bind to another antigen, so while one branch associated with the antigen on one cell, the other branch can communicate with other cells - thus agents gather in large groups, which are easier phagocytes cells devour. Bacteria and other pathogens are coated with antibodies are also more likely to be attacked by complement system proteins. a second cell type is done by dividing B-cells. These cells have a long life and thus can remember specific intruders. T cells can also produce memory cells with a longer lifetime than B-cell memory. For the second time an attacker tries to invade the body cells, B and T memory helps immune system to activate much faster. The invaders destroyed in infected people experience no symptoms. The body has achieved immunity against the invader. Despite a long and complex, our presentation only to look at the immune system and complex character in which its different parts interact. Immunity is a fascinating subject, which still hides many secrets. When the immune system in the full sense, it is likely the key to deprive humanity of many of its most terrible diseases. .

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